Popski's Private Expeditions

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Adventure Overland 2018

Just back from another successful Adventure Overland show held over the weekend of 28-29 April in Stratford-Upon-Avon, UK. Despite the weather being less than ideal (cold, wet and grey) the show was a success with a pretty good turn out of overlanders, clubs, traders and presenters. 

I presented again, as I usually do on personal security on the road...always well attended and topical, as it is something everyone planning a trip worries about at least a little bit. Given that I am a global security advisor for humanitarian NGO's in my day job, much of that knowledge transfers easily to the adventure travel sector. 

I also had a fun presentation titled: "The Benefits of Traveling Light" on the Sunday where I got to poke a bit of fun at those overlanders who try to cram every shiny, expensive accessory onto their trucks...a personal pet peev of mine obviously. But the session went over well and I saw quite a few nodding heads as our messaging about looking at how successful motorcycle travellers are travelling around the world with virtually no gear came through. So, if they can do it with just a couple of side panniers why do 4x4-based overlanders feel they need so much gear?

Met some cool people and enjoyed the event immensely. Looking forward to the fall show on 22-23 September from which we will then set off on our next Morocco trip.